
Articles by the Bounce Security team

Knowing is half the battle

In this post, I highlight the crucial role of situational awareness in AppSec and how AppSec architects can leverage internal systems like ticketing, email, chat, and source control to gather vital information and enhance security practices. Discover practical tips to seamlessly integrate into development teams and boost your security posture.

When the "safe" is worse than you thought

Product Security continues to be hard. Sometimes even when you think you have the solution, reality bites back. In this post I will take you through how I had to eat humble pie after my previous blog post.

This post is part of a series: Fun with SQL injection in Prisma ORM!
When the "safe" is bad and the "unsafe" is safe.

Product Security is hard. There are a huge number of different things you think about at the same time, while still being able to identify the most serious and urgent issues.

This post is part of a series: Fun with SQL injection in Prisma ORM!
What is my motivation? What should your motivation be?

In this post I will give you some personal background about how I got into delivering public training courses and why. Hopefully it will put some of the later chapters in perspective and also help you understand the motivation you might need to do this.

This post is part of a series: So you want to train at Black Hat (or other conferences)?
So, you want to train at Black Hat? An Introduction

In this post I introduce this blog series and give you an overview of what it is about and why I wanted to write it.

This post is part of a series: So you want to train at Black Hat (or other conferences)?